At Ohmies Vapeco, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalism and provide accurate, fair, and unbiased content to our readers. We value the feedback and opinions of our audience and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints regarding our editorial content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our process for handling complaints and how we aim to resolve them in a fair and transparent manner.

Submitting a Complaint:

If you believe that an article or editorial content on Ohmies Vapeco Online Magazine breaches our editorial standards or code of conduct, you can submit a complaint by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Provide Details: Clearly specify the nature of your complaint, including the article’s title, publication date, author’s name (if available), and a brief summary of the issue you wish to address.
  2. Contact Information: Include your name, email address, and any additional contact information you wish to provide.
  3. Supporting Evidence: If available, provide any supporting evidence, such as screenshots, links to external sources, or relevant documentation that supports your complaint. This information will assist us in thoroughly investigating the matter.

Submitting a Complaint:

Please submit your complaint via email to [email protected] with the subject line “Editorial Complaint.” Alternatively, you can use our online contact form, specifying your complaint in the message section.

Complaint Handling Process:

Upon receiving your complaint, we will initiate the following process to address your concerns:

  1. Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within [insert timeframe] and provide an approximate timeline for our response.
  2. Investigation: Our editorial team will conduct a thorough investigation into the matter, including reviewing the relevant content, verifying the facts, and assessing compliance with our editorial standards.
  3. Response and Resolution: Once the investigation is complete, we will provide a written response to your complaint. If any errors or breaches are identified, we will take appropriate action, which may include issuing a correction, clarification, or updating the article.
  4. Appeal Process: If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may request an appeal. Please clearly state your reasons for appealing, and our senior editorial team will review your appeal and respond within a reasonable timeframe.

Confidentiality and Transparency:

We handle all complaints with strict confidentiality, and personal information provided during the complaint process will be used solely for the purpose of investigating and resolving the complaint.

We are committed to maintaining transparency in our complaint handling process. In exceptional cases where legal or privacy concerns arise, we may need to limit the information provided or redact certain details to protect the interests of all parties involved.

Review and Updates:

We regularly review and update our Editorial Complaints Policy to ensure it remains effective and aligned with best practices. Any changes to this policy will be reflected on our website, along with the effective date of the update.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Editorial Complaints Policy, or if you wish to submit a complaint, please contact us at [email protected]

We appreciate your engagement and feedback, which helps us uphold the highest standards of journalism and improve our content for our readers.

Date: 18-7-2023